Role: Lead design engineer on a project to make an anti-theft faraday shielded vehicle key storage container for a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. The concept was to make an easy access car key box which incorporated faraday shielding technology fighting against a rising trend in car relay hacking theft.
The aesthetic challenge was to separate the boxes visuals and stand out. The application of aluminium rubberised feet to raise the storage up and the addition of copper detailing, added to remove the boxes stigmatic look of just being a box. An internal dual layer shielded container that opens simultaneously with the external hardwood outer means the technology inside is automated within general day to day use.
Responsible for:
- Product prototype design and testing
- Manufacturer correspondence
- Development of website and crowdfunding pages (Bootstrap 4)
- Visual and brand design
More information available here:
Materials: Various hardwood, EMI/RFI Copper based Shielding, EMI/RFI Neoprene Foam Core Shielded Mesh Seals, Magnetic Lid Clasps, Copper, Brass.